Seeing life through Casey's eyes.


Hit the pause button.

My last update said that I was going to Israel in May. Unfortunately with such a short time to raise the funds none of us were able to come up with the amount needed for the deposit. This doesn’t mean that the trip is completely cancelled. It does mean that we have hit the pause button and are looking at dates later in the year.

I also drove back to Colorado for another three day Thai Reflexology / Foot Massage class. It was so good! (Hard to say that a three day class is worth two full days of driving, but it totally was!) A lot of what I learned felt really natural and I absolutely hit my groove. It was fun to take the class with a couple of people I knew from a previous class, as well as meet a few new people. On my way to school I spent time asking that the Lord really open and close doors, that I would have a very clear idea if I was to continue to pursue massage. I received more positive / encouraging words from people who were speaking directly into my fears and doubts at this class than I ever thought possible. I walked away from the course knowing that I not only do I really enjoy it but I am good at it. I was able to positively impact the people I was giving massages to physically, emotionally and spiritually as well – exactly how I want to live my life.

This weekend I went to check out the ‘closest’ massage school to where I am currently living, over an hour away. I wish I could say I walked in and knew it was a perfect fit, but I didn’t. It’s not a bad school, but it’s definitely not the best. I haven’t set a specific date on when to decide where I want to go to school, but I will be looking into as many options as I can. This next season of going to massage school is going to require additional sacrifices, I just need to decide which ones I am willing to make and then take another big leap of faith.

Time for a Move

From the moment I returned back to Idaho people have asked me what is next or when I am heading back to Thailand. It’s been two and a half years of answering with, “I don’t know”.

There is a huge part of me that wishes I was headed back to Thailand and Burma. When I left I had every intention of returning. But the truth is that I have never had enough financial support to live a healthy and successful life / ministry overseas. (A huge reason I’ve been able to do it in the past is thanks to my own savings and penny pinching.)

Since I’m not heading back overseas, what’s next?


Last month I drove down to Denver, Colorado, and took a week long Thai Massage / Body Work course. It was one of the best Thai massages that I’ve ever received. The things I learned only made me excited to learn more. (Thai Massage uses acupressure and yoga stretches. In Thailand massage is considered part of the medical field.) There are three more classes that I can take, as all I have currently learned is a basic Thai Massage on totally healthy people. The classes and the equipment that I will need in order to start taking clients aren’t “cheap”, yet I know that it’s an investment into not only a career but also into myself.

I plan on taking several classes in Colorado, but I don’t plan on living there. Friends of mine who live in Texas have offered to let me live with them and are even helping me find a job or two that will give me the flexibility to continue going to ‘school’.


I want to take 2017 to focus on me. To really look into what career/s I want to pursue, to get  financially stable, have fun and enjoy life, and most importantly get healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually. I honestly believe that 2017 and moving to Texas is going to force me out of my comfort zone almost daily, it’s going to be filled with a lot of hard work, and it will be worth it.

Even though I am not a international “missionary” anymore, I could still use your support! I need your prayers. I need to purchase a reliable vehicle that can handle the many road trips that 2017 will hold, and I’ve got a very tight budget. Your prayers and any help in finding a reliable, comfortable vehicle would be awesome. If you want to bless me financially or with a Birthday or Christmas gift I will not turn it away.

For more information about the Thai Massage classes and the equipment that I need to purchase check them out here –

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year!

Going for it

school feet

…Stay where you were called to be. God is there. Hold the high ground with him at your side…

1 Cor 7:24 MSG

The other day I was doing some reading and this piece just seemed to jump off the page and straight to my heart. My last blog talked about not knowing what to do next. I had begun to make decisions that were basically just what I wanted to do. I didn’t have a clear ‘Thus Says the Lord’ moment. When I read this piece of scripture I figured perhaps I am heading in the right direction after all. (Plus as soon as I really made the decision I got horribly sick, something that has happened each time I’ve made a major life changing decision that has me perfectly where God wants me.)

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Now that I’ve built up the anticipation a bit I bet you’re ready to hear what my plan is.

One of the ‘careers’ that I’ve thought about pursuing is massage. I’ve looked into schools here in the States and am just not ready to really make the financial and time commitment since I’m not 100% sure that it is something I would want to do. Plus I would really like to specialize in Thai massage, which isn’t offered at the schools here. And the best way to find out if it’s something I want to do, is to actually do it.

lv girl face bnw

My plan is to go take an intense Thai Massage Certified Practitioner and Teacher Training Program in Chiang Mai, Thailand. In two and a half months I would walk away with not only the ability to do Thai Massage, but to also teach it. The school teaches a variety of other massage courses, my goal is to also take Infant Massage, Pregnancy Massage, and Thai Traditional Post-Natal Treatment courses. A big reason that I want to take all of these courses (and maybe more if time and money allows), is that I see all of this not just as a possible career but it is also valuable ministry tools. Combining massage and Holy Spirit guided prayer will bring blessings, healing and rest to both missionaries and those they serve. Since I will be in Thailand, I hope to be able to go back to Mae Sot and bless those that I served alongside as well as to teach some of them the new things I’ve learned. If I decide I want to be able to practice massage in the States (get paid to do it), then I’ll need to go to massage school here in the States and pass all of the exams needed to be certified in whatever State I decide to practice / live.

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The massage courses in Thailand are going to cost approximately $4,000. Travel, living and ministry expenses will have to be added to that – $2,000 for travel and $1,000 per month for living and ministry. Living costs in Chiang Mai will be higher than in Mae Sot, I will need to find an inexpensive hotel or apartment to stay at and I’ll probably be eating out a lot since most places don’t have kitchens. With my goal being to spend time doing missions at the end of my training and that this is ministry training I have talked with Kingdom Inc and they are allowing me to raise financial support through them for this trip. The more money I have / raise the more courses I’ll be able to take (or have fellow missionaries come and take with me), the longer I can stay in Thailand to do missions and the more ministry opportunities I’ll be able to have (I’ve found a lot of my ministry funds in Thailand went to supplying first aid and medical supplies and feeding individuals or whole villages in the past). There is a course starting in October, just one month away, and another one starting in January. I will spend three months doing massage courses, and then hope to spend two+ months doing missions.

Will you consider not only praying for me but also supporting me financially?

Click here to give through Kingdom Inc.

And check out the school / course I’m looking at attending – ITM.

Photos speak of the past

I’m looking at photos I took on previous trips into Burma. There are still pictures that I have to edit and others that have become favorites. Sometimes there’s a photo that captures a moment that you want to hold on to, and then there are the ones that make you feel like you can see  into the very soul of the person.

bv girl purple ducks

As much as I love looking through old photos, they are a reflection of the past. They tell amazing stories and bring forth a range of emotions, but they are not my today. Each of those kiddos has grown since the photo was taken and since the last time I saw them.

bv boy flannel close

My hope is that some of these photos tell stories of the future. That the hope in them is true. That the futures of each of these individuals and villages is bright, happy and full of life. And that I’ll be able to see them all again soon. I miss these faces! I miss sitting down and asking how everyone is doing, only to be taken to the houses of those who are sick or injured to see how we can help, to hear their stories and pray with them. I even miss knowing that they are laughing at me but having no clue why.

bv myo boy looking edit

Right now I still need an additional $500 – $600 a month before I can head back to Thailand and Burma. With my support raising history and currently being in a very small town in the States, that sounds nearly impossible. I’ve never really had great financial support and have saved the majority of my pennies to pay for as much of my missions as I can. And being in a tiny community traditional fundraising events just either aren’t possible or going to raise the funds they would somewhere else. God has to show up. I NEED people to give, people who I see at my parent’s little store, and people that I haven’t seen in years. So my goal for this month is to raise $1,000. No, that will not get me back to Thailand. But it will help give me some more faith and hope as it gets me one step closer to getting back to the place that I love.

On Hold

You know that annoying feeling when you’re trying to make an important phone call and you get put on hold? Sometimes there is that annoying music that they play, if you’re lucky there will be a recorded voice that comes on every once in a while to tell you what number you are ‘in line’. The worst though is when there is no music at all, you’re just on hold. You have no clue how long you’ll be on hold or even if you’re still on hold and the other line hung up?

lv me reflection photo

That’s kind of how I feel right now. On Hold. Only there’s no music or recorded voice telling me how much longer I have to wait.

green blue water barrel

We’re still waiting to get answers on my family’s health issues, but so thankful for doctors who are really trying to help and are fighting for them. And extremely grateful for the ‘good days’ that they have.

bamboo siding

My return flight back to Thailand is in a week, but right now it doesn’t look like I’ll be on it. Even if my family was in perfect health by the day I’m supposed to fly I still wouldn’t be able to head back to Thailand… I don’t have the finances to go. I had enough money in my support account to get me through until my visa ended and I would need to head back to States to get it renewed… but I came back early, having to spend more on my ticket than I had originally budgeted and wiping out most of what was left in my support account in the process. Then once in the States there are lots of additional expenses, renewals that need to be made and things to ‘stock up’ on.

One of the things that is important to me before traveling anywhere is to make sure that I have enough finances to cover a return ticket and several months budget saved (just in case). Yes, it’s a safety net. Yes, I do rely on God and the support of others. But I also desire to be responsible with the funds and even the lack of funds that I have.

blue water barrel

So right now the plan is to stay in the States. I’ll be working part time at my parent’s store and continuing to help out at home while my family tries to focus on their health (and the store). If you are in the Boise area and either want to connect or know of a church or group that would be interested in hearing about Burma, Thailand or missions in general let me know, I’d love to connect with more people here! Or if you just want to chat while I’m in the States, holler. Plus you can continue to help me out by sending up your prayer, sending me your words of encouragement and by giving financially.

And of course  I’ll wait in expectation of God continuing to show up in big ways… in health, finances, and all areas of life.

wait teal art

God, Family, Ministry

If you’ve ever served in a church or religious organization I’m sure you’ve heard: God first, family second, and then ministry (work).

wood 2

It’s a wonderful saying and something that is sometimes hard to remember. Putting ministry (or work) first and letting everything else fall behind it happens more often than any of us would like to realize. Sometimes it’s confusing to know when your family needs more attention than the ministry as your heart and focus are pulled in so many different directions. I mean we are supposed to be doing ‘all things as unto the Lord’, right? So lines feel a little blurry sometimes.

wood 4

For a while now some of my family members have been battling with different health issues. There have been a couple of times where the question of if I needed to go home came up, but I never had a peace about heading back to the States for my visit before my visa expires the end of the year. All that changed. I can’t say it was a specific thing that happened or something that was said, because I don’t really know. What I do know is that I need to be home with my family right now. When I finally made the decision and talked with my family and my team here there was an absolute peace that flooded through me. I know that I can’t change their physical health, but by being home for a bit it will help give my family a slight sigh of relief knowing that I am there to support them no matter what the future holds.

wood 3

As I make the journey across the ocean in a few days will you please pray for me? Pray for safe travels filled with God’s favor, peace and rest. Pray for my family – their emotional, physical and spiritual health, for wisdom and discernment as we wait for answers in how to get them healthy again. Pray for my team & the ministries I’m a part of in Thailand and Burma – they are going to be on a skeleton crew for a bit as people will be in and out of the country, pray for peace, unity, and divine favor, revelation, rest, and blessings upon my whole team, the ministries we help with and the businesses we’ve started to help fund the work here.

Going Somewhere New

art rust green

I just got back from going into a completely new place. We’ve known about this place for a really long time, but never had the opportunity to go (or it was just bad timing when we finally were invited). It’s one of those places that when you hear stories or just see a glimpse of, it breaks your heart. Today was no different.

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I can’t post pictures… because I can’t take any while I’m there. Many people would consider it a very dangerous and dark place. And in reality it is. But I had no fear while I was there. The people are broken, abused and desperate. They have no hope and no future, they are only looking at the very short term. Yet we were told that the people all recognize us, and if we keep going back we will be welcomed like locals.

art rust blue

Today we got some basic first aid stuff to clean up a cut that a preteen boy had on his foot from stepping on a piece of glass. We brought coloring pages and crayons to give to the kids and told them how good their art was each time they brought it over for you to look at with the biggest smile on their face as they showed off their art work. We met a woman who wanted prayer for her health. We also prayed for another young boy who had tumors on his neck and had a slight fever (the tumors were not there a month ago, the last time I saw him). Some of the little boys are getting used to seeing us on the street and getting more comfortable around us, which makes me so happy.

art spot greenish

Please pray for this place. Pray for my small team (this isn’t somewhere we can take visiting teams, so there will only be a few of us who can to go into this area). We want to spend more time there on a consistent basis. Pray for wisdom and discernment for us. Pray in agreement with us, that as we pray for people that people really will be healed, that the Lord will hear and answer the prayers of His people.

I Used To, But Not Right Now

I’m stuck. I’m not in a rut, I’m just stuck. It’s almost like I’m walking through mud, or maybe clay, or perhaps it’s almost quicksand.

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There was a time that I used to be able to just sit and write. My journals tended to be filled with questions, thoughts, and letters to God. Yet I’ve had the same journal for over two years and it’s not even half full. It’s as if the words seem to just disappear before they can even be fully formed. Blogs don’t come easy and are nearly impossible to finish. My attempts at time with the Lord or in the Bible are good, yet I miss being able to walk away so in awe of the revelations that I had received that I just needed to soak in them for a while. Things just aren’t the same as they used to be.

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I miss music. For so many years I was surrounded by musicians and lots of really good music. I didn’t participate in sports growing up, my time was spent surrounded by music and drama. Even though I can’t play an instrument, and I’ve never been on the ‘worship team’, I miss music. I miss being around people who enjoy soaking in some good music or going to see a really well done play. And I really miss being around people who know how to keep the drama on the stage 😉

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This is probably why taking ‘artistic’ photos and then manipulating them on the computer, I mean editing them, is so important to me. It gets deep down inside me, helps me to tune out the chaos around me and focus on one single piece of beauty in this world. Sure I take photos so all of you can see what I’m a part of, and for those I’m working with to have pics they can use, but really my ‘photography’ is just a piece of the real me. It’s my own selfish little thing, because it’s something that can’t really be taken away from me. I get to look for the things that others forget or don’t see and attempt to make them beautiful. My photos are of things that I want to remember. I don’t consider myself a ‘professional’ photographer by any definition of the word. I have no clue how to use my camera or computer to the best that I can. In fact almost every team that comes through comments on the ‘strange ways’ I often take photos…. it’s really common for me to not even look at my camera, but to ‘shoot from the hip’ (taking pictures with my camera at hip level so that it’s not as ‘in your face’ that I’m taking photos, it’s definitely a skill and probably not one most people are used to).

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I would love to get back to that place where words came easily. Where creativity, art, and music all just flowed. Until then, I’ll keep trudging along hoping that someday I’ll find the key to releasing me to express the things inside that I can’t even comprehend. And in the meantime … I’ll keep taking photos of the ‘hidden’ beauties that surround me.

My least favorite part

If you are reading this blog, I’m assuming that we’ve met at some point. Maybe we’ve known each other for what seems like forever, or maybe we only had a brief moment of getting to know one another. But I want to be ‘real’ for this blog. This was probably one of the more difficult blogs for me to write, it’s actually had me in tears several times as I’ve worked on writing and editing it. Not only is this my least favorite part of being a missionary who relies on the financial support of others, but it’s also the most difficult part.

kid girl humm bnw

Most of the time I feel like a broken record. But the reality is that if I want to be able to serve God in the place that I feel He has called me, I need the financial support of others. I wish I didn’t have to ask for money. Yes, I currently have two ‘home’ churches that support me financially. Unfortunately up until recently what they give only covers my monthly rent, leaving me to find supporters for all of my other living and ministry expenses (having roommates now decreases rent, yay!).

wall art flowers

This time of year (Christmas & the end of the year) is typically the time of year that most non-profits receive the majority of their donations. A lot of the missionaries that I know also receive extra donations for their birthdays. What if I told you that I actually see less donations this time of year? I’ve been repeatedly told not to ask for support this time of year by individuals who might have otherwise given (and have refused to give towards my ministry because I was ‘rude’ enough to ask at Christmas time). Extra donations or giving doesn’t happen for my Birthday either (often due to the fact that it’s near Christmas). I have the opposite response in terms of financial support as many people and organizations that I know. Yet as much as I dislike asking for people to financially support me, and having to face the negativity that comes with it, I can’t do my ‘job’ as a missionary without it.

kid smiles sepia

So I want to ask for financial support in a little bit of a different way this time. Rather than ask you to give up a cup of Starbucks, a meal out, or something else, I want to ask that you would give out of the blessings that you receive. Would you consider giving all or part of the ‘refunds’ that you receive over the next couple months? A while ago I had someone do this for me, the number of unexpected refunds that this person received was incredible (one was for a few hundred dollars!). I would love it if God would bless you in abundance, and that you were then able to bless others because of the abundance that you received this holiday season.

You can make one-time and monthly donations online – here. Or you can mail a check made out to Kingdom Inc to Po Box 98438, Atlanta, GA 30359   please make sure you write ‘Casey Wells’ on the memo line.

States and Support Update

I’ve been in the States for two weeks now. So far I’ve had a chance to share at one of my home / sending churches as well as attend my sister’s church. I have the awesome opportunity of having the whole service at my church in Idaho tomorrow morning (Oct 13th), I’ll not only share about what’s happening in Thailand and Burma, but also share a bit of what God is speaking today.

picture needs prayer fall 2013

One of the big parts of any missionary coming ‘home’ is to raise support to go back out on the field. Finding the time and the words to connect with people, pitch what you are doing and asking for money is just not fun, but it is very necessary. The financial cost of being a missionary continues to be more and more expensive, and it’s just not as cheap to live overseas as it used to be.

I’ll be honest, I’m in desperate need of financial support in order to continue living and working in Thailand and Burma. I have not only my personal expenses to cover (food, accommodation, transportation, bicycle maintenance, etc), but there are also ministry costs to cover (visas to enter Burma, transportation, as well as gifts, food, medicine, supplies, translators, Thai lessons, etc).

I’m also in need of getting a new Mac laptop with all the programs for both the office work I do as well as photo editing for my ministry. My current laptop has done me well, but will soon begin to let me know exactly how old it is and I don’t want to risk it dying on me while in Asia as electronics are actually more expensive there than in the States!

The team that I am a part of in Mae Sot, Thailand (Outpour Movement) needs to purchase a team truck to accommodate missions organizations and churches who send short term teams to Mae Sot. Having a large pickup truck with bench seats and cover over it will allow us to take teams to more ministry locations and fun off day trips (waterfalls, caves, etc).

Would you take a minute to pray about what you can give either monthly or as a one-time gift towards my work in Thailand and Burma? To support me financially, just click here.

And then, would you also commit to praying for my remaining time in the States (one month!), as well as all of the things I am a part of in Thailand and Burma?

If you’d like me to email you the above photo with my financial and prayer needs to post either on your fridge, put in your journal or to post at your church or give to any other group please let me know.

Below is an amazing excerpt from Michael Oh on ‘Missions and Money’. I don’t normally ‘forward’ videos and things, but this one really spoke to me and challenged me. It’s almost eight minutes long, but I guarantee that it is worth the time (I’ve watched it at least three times already).

Leap of Love

I originally wrote this blog for Outpour Movement, but I wanted to share it with you here as well. It can sometimes be difficult to live in a third world country so far away from the people, things, and language that you know… this is a beautiful reminder of why being here makes an impact even when it doesn’t feel like it.

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Hanging OnHave you ever had a kid come running and leap into your arms? Maybe it was your son or daughter, a niece or nephew, or maybe one of the kids from the Sunday school class you teach.

But was it ever a child that you didn’t know?

One that you never had a real conversation with?

After several visits to the same village this is the reception we now receive: the children run at least a football length and come jumping into our arms. Sometimes they are ready to play games, sing silly songs, or learn new English words, but most of the time they just want to hold on to you. They want to climb into your arms and not let go until they absolutely have to. They want to be held and know that there are no strings attached.

One day soon we will share a bit more with these little ones why we are here and where our love for them comes from. I can’t wait for the day when language barriers fall away and they can understand what it’s like to make that same leap into the arms of Abba, Father God. Until then, we’ll keep greeting the kids with open arms and open hearts, loving every smile, giggle, and hug that we give and receive.

Words & Pictures and Pictures that Tell Stories

home in Burmese village

Have you ever really looked at a marketing ad, or just a photo that had a quote or words on it? I’m sure you’ve seen millions of them. There are some out there that draw you in and make you look at it a little longer, and then there are tons on the internet that I’m sure my two year old niece could make on the computer.

I never realized how much work really goes into an ad. I’ve taken a few great pictures over the years, but I’ve never had to look at any of them with a marketing eye. Over the last couple of months I’ve helped revamp the Outpour website. I spent countless hours editing and re-editing photos that I had taken or photos that friends have taken of the ‘work’ Outpour is involved with. It’s a time consuming job, but I think I’ve started to get the hang of it.

youth education stat

Outpour Movement recently started a Campaign – Move OUT:POUR Into to raise funds for The Refuge Children’s Home. The Refuge is home to youth who have come from inside Burma in order to get an education. We need $30,000 to cover the costs for the year for the home – food, rent, transportation, education, etc.

woman worry quote

During this campaign, I’ve teamed up with Michael Perez, who’s part of the Outpour team here in Mae Sot. We’ve been working together to go through  photos the team has taken to find ones that tell a story, and then add quotes and statistics on them. Again, it sounded like a simple task, yet has turned into a whole new learning curve. Michael and I have very different styles and backgrounds, yet both strive to create the best pieces that we are not only proud of but that tell the stories of the people we’ve grown to love. It’s been a fun learning curve.

Outpour continues to move forward in helping create a hope and a future for those that we meet. The Refuge was finally able to move out of the refugee camp, giving them a lot more freedom and opportunities, and it means that we get to visit with them more often! Please consider ‘sowing’ into their today – money that is raised through the Move OUT:POUR Into campaign helps cover their daily expenses, many of which increased when they left the camp. I’ll be posting more about The Refuge and their new home here in the future.

If you would like to help financially support the Move OUT:POUR Into Campaign – click here.

My personal monthly support is still below my living and ministry costs here in Mae Sot. I am living quite frugally to help stretch my funds, but am really in need of more monthly and one-time supporters. If you are able to help financially  support me – click here.

Addition to Multiply

BV Casey girl loud

I know my blogging hasn’t been very consistent, and for that I apologize. The funny thing is that I have been spending a lot of time in front of my laptop the last few weeks. The last month or so one of my coworkers and I have been working on updating our ministry’s website… rather than just update the content, we opted to create a whole new look. A lot of the photos on the new site are ones that I have taken, or edited for the site. I’m also helping with the content and writing blogs for them. It’s been fun to work on something that has a completely different look from what I have been doing recently.

Please check out Outpour Movement’s new website –

As I post blogs on Outpour, you might see them on here as well 😉

BV boy fence

Some other fun news… my arm is healed! Praise Jesus! And we’ve got another guy who is joining our team for a few months! His focus is going to be on the restaurant that we are all volunteering at and helping us create and maintain community with each other on the team. There have also been a few other people who are praying about returning to become part of our team. With more people arriving it will hopefully give us more freedom and flexibility to step into doors that are already open and some of the opportunities that are just waiting for us to have the time and funds to start new projects in new areas.

People Watching

My banged up arm

For those who don’t know, I managed to bang up my arm pretty good … I was a passenger on a motorbike and we tippedover when we hit a crack in the road. There were no major injuries, except for the pieces of gravel that decided they wanted a ride in my arm into town. Thankfully the hospital changed my bandage daily for several days, and now I’m able to change it at home. It will take several more weeks to fully heal, but it’s healing up nicely and I’ve thankfully had lots of time to rest and recoup… although I’m really looking forward to getting back to my normal routine and the day my arm is completely healed!

I wanted to share with you a little from my time at the local government hospital here in Mae Sot. The majority of my time was spent just hanging out in the waiting area. It was surprising to me that the busiest times were during normal work hours… the exact opposite of the hospitals in the States. Evenings and weekends almost made the place look empty. Being a boarder town with a variety of cultures, languages, and religions makes ‘people watching’ at the hospital even more interesting. . .

Some people would be brought by ambulance, car, motorcycle, taxi, or even the back of a pickup. There were those who had to go straight to the e.r. and many who just needed to see a doctor. The hospital had a very organized system in order to see as many people as possible, yet with so many people coming from outside of the city limits and speaking different languages it really requires an advocate to help people properly maneuver through the system without getting lost in the shuffle.

The thing that surprised me the most was watching those who were waiting their turn to see a doctor or a nurse. I watched as a Burmese father held his infant child, obviously worn out and concerned for his baby, have a Muslim woman come to his aid and lovingly make a bottle for him so that he didn’t have to do it while holding his child. I watched an entire cycling team bring a woman to the e.r., pay for her bills, and saw the concern and worry for her on their faces (I don’t know the rest of the story only that the woman was released after being treated). Buddhist monks waited their turn just like everyone else. There were those who could probably pay their medical bills, those who were scrapping together whatever their family had to cover the cost, an probably people there who couldn’t pay the full amount.

I watched as people waited their turn to find out ‘how bad is it?’. I watched as each new person who arrived had all eyes on them, everyone wondering ‘I wonder what’s wrong with them’. I learned that you can’t judge a wound by the size of a bandage, you don’t know what it really looks like underneath the gauze and tape. I watched people who normally wouldn’t interact, have smiles of compassion for one another. I was reminded that everyone wants to feel valued, understood, and listened to. I was surprised at the number of people who were injured due to different types of accidents. And more than anything I wanted desperately for God’s healing power to flow through that place. I wanted everyone from the little babies to the wrinkly old people to have a touch from heaven and to be able to walk out of the hospital whole and healed.

Even though I spent hours at the hospital, my prayers remained silent. I never had the urge or the courage to ask to pray for someone. Yet I feel like something inside me changed, I can’t really describe it in words. But I know that even in the midst of Mae Sot Hospital, God is there, just waiting for people to call on His name. And I know that even though my prayers might have been silent, God heard every word I prayed over that place and the people that were there.

I’m in Thailand

Well, I’m sitting at the dining room table in the Ward’s house in Chiang Mai, Thailand. The trip here was one of the smoothest I’ve had and I was amazed at how normal it felt to be moving to the other side of the world. I was blessed with extra legroom on all three flights, and didn’t have to sit next to anyone who was loud or stinky. I learned that Eva Airlines is great, and they have a Hello Kitty theme (unfortunately I didn’t make it onto any of their Hello Kitty airplanes, although they do have several). And Bangkok Airways lets everyone into their lounge at the airport (free snacks, drinks, wifi, and comfy couches), making my layover in Bangkok much more enjoyable.

The plan at the moment is to spend some time here in Chiang Mai with the Wards, the family I came here to serve alongside. They will help me with some orientation to Thai culture and share what has been happening here since my last visit almost two years ago. You can check out the ministries that they’ve started and see their lovely faces on their Facebook page – Outpour Movement. Then they will take me over to Mae Sot where I have more friends waiting to welcome me. I can’t wait to start exploring the city I feel called to and find the many opportunities that await me.

Having been in the country for less than 48 hours, I don’t really have anything else to report quite yet. Over the coming days and weeks I am sure I will have more information and possibly get some photos taken to share. Please pray for wisdom as there are decisions to make, that I will adjust to life here quickly and easily, and for the focus and ability to retain information as I begin to learn Thai.

Let them pray

I’ve been slowly making my way through my list of supporters, writing postcards / prayer cards to everyone I have a mailing address for. The list isn’t very long, but it does take sometime to make sure I’m not just rushing through it.

 Prayer Cards 2012/13

One of the things that I noticed as I was writing to some of the families, was how much I wanted their kids to pray for me. I have more of a relationship with the parents, and value their words and prayers immensely, I’ve never even met some of these kids… but the kids are rock stars. I read stories about these children on Facebook statuses and am blown away by the faith of children. There are stories of their compassion and tenderness towards family, friends, strangers and animals. Some of my favorite are when they break out in worship songs at random times and the way that they pray for things that often slip past our adult minds. Many of these kids are to young to really have been taught how to ‘pray’. Sure, a lot of what they do might just be repeating what they see around them, but when you see their faces you know that it comes from deep within them. The reason I love their prayers is because it’s innocent and true. Even when they know who to pray for, the words that come out of their mouths are from their heart. Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks – Luke 6:45

girls Guatemala church

In my travels I’ve witnessed children pray for those who have persecuted them. I don’t mean bullied them, but really persecuted them. I watched as they cried, asking the Lord to bless their persecutors with health, finances, and good relationships with their family. You can’t fake that sort of thing. It wrecked me.

Nepal woman and kids

It is far to easy to devalue the faith of a child, to believe that it isn’t real. I chose to believe differently. To believe that not only can children have a real faith, but that they have something to offer and that they have a better understanding of it then we give them credit for. I love watching kids pray, expressing things that are inside of them, and learning / experiencing it themselves rather than always being told.

school kids South Africa

If you have kids of your own, or work with kids… would you give them the opportunity and the freedom to pray? Would you allow their prayers to bring heaven to earth, to make a difference in what happens in the world? Will you have your kids pray for missionaries, and then share with the missionaries the prayers of your children? Will you allow truth and innocence to make a positive influence in the spiritual realm? Even when they say / pray something that makes us giggle, I think God has a great sense of humor too and loves to hear what they have to say.


fall bird feeder

Apparently I am one of those horrible people to shop for… because no-one seems to ever know what to get me. When people ask me what I want as a gift (or just in general) I don’t normally have much of an answer.

Next week is my birthday. The big 31. Since state lines separate me from basically all of my family and friends I thought it would be acceptable to put out a special request.

For my birthday this year, would you consider giving $12 or $31 towards me being a missionary in Thailand? Give $12, and it’s representing a dollar, a promise of blessings for each month in this next year of my life. Give $31 and it’s a buck for each year I’ve been alive. Feeling generous, give $372, a dollar for every month I’ve been alive. Or come up with any amount and let me know if it has a special meaning. All you have to do is click here, and you can give online.

If you’re unable to give money, I’m also looking to increase my music collection. I can’t tell you the last time I bought music as I tend to either listen to the radio or online (which will be a little more difficult overseas). My taste in music is pretty varied, so it’s difficult to go wrong there. I also need to get some e-books before I leave. I’m a big reader, and can’t take my books with me. I don’t have a Kindle, but was given an old Sony reader. Looking for Christian stuff both old and new, anything on Thailand or Burma, and easy reads (where you can just turn off your brain for a bit).

To sum it up, here’s my Birthday Wish List: financial support, music, and e-books.

64 more

Woodpecker in Pepper Tree

Well, I did it. I purchased a one-way ticket to Thailand. On January 21st, I’ll board a flight and begin a new chapter in my life.

Now that I’ve paid for a ticket, I guess the countdown begins. 64 days! Just over two months. There is a ton that ‘needs’ to be done, and hopefully my pessimistic side will be outweighed by my excitement to get to Thailand.

One of my main tasks is to continue to raise prayer and financial support… if you haven’t signed up for my blog, please do! My blog will continue to be my main form of communicating about what I’m up to. If you want to receive emails or prayer requests, please make sure I have your current email address so I can add you to the list. Please also consider giving financially towards the ministry that I will be doing in Thailand, and the things / abilities that I’ll need to have in order to successfully do the things that the Lord is asking of me. You can click on the Support Casey link on the right. Got questions, feel free to email me

I’ve got a few blogs / thoughts continuing to roll around in my head that I haven’t been able to flesh out into full blogs quite yet. Once I have the words in a way that makes sense I’ll begin to share a few of those with you 🙂

Kingdom Covering

One of the hardest parts of starting to raise support and talk about what I am going to be doing in Thailand is the fact that things keep changing! I can’t count the number of times I have gotten a newsletter ready only to have to start over. All of the business cards and prayer cards I had printed I have to throw away, the information on them is no longer accurate.

Probably the biggest change, is that I officially changed ‘sending organizations’! Trust me, it wasn’t an easy or quick decision. One of the great things about my new ‘sending organization’ (Kingdom Inc) is that the leadership and a large number of their staff and missionaries are people who I have close relationships with. These are people who have invested into my life in the past and desire to do so in the future. They are not just sending me out, they are covering me as well.

Kingdom Inc is probably a new name for well, everyone that I know. I encourage you to go to their website to read about who they are and what they believe. You’ll also see that I’m one of their missionaries, so you can read my bio and support me / donate to me through Kingdom Inc.

I’ll let the news of me being under the covering of Kingdom Inc set in before I share another big change… and I’ll make you wait in anticipation for my next couple of blogs.

Gifting vs. Calling


I spent a lot of time standing in the kitchen this summer. As the hours wore on, I realized that I’m not as good of a ‘chef’ as people like to believe, and this is Not my calling.

Here’s what I was thinking about. Just because you have a ‘gift’ or are good at a ‘skill’ doesn’t mean that you are ‘called’ to do it.

Sometimes we think that our giftings and callings are the same thing… when really, they aren’t. Yes, both are from God and both are irrevocable. Giftings are what you do, your natural and spiritual abilities. Calling is more about your identity, who you are, the impact you are to make on the world for the Kingdom of God.

I wonder how many people never have the courage to step up and go after what they feel called to because the people around them are ‘better’ at it than them? How many times do people never get the opportunity to grow in what they are called to, because the position is filled by someone who is better at the job but not called to it? How many people get stuck in a job or a volunteer position because they are ‘good’ or ‘gifted’ yet it has nothing to do with their calling?

I believe that some times we believe the lie that following your ‘calling’ is going to be easy. That once we start following what God has called us to, it’s effortless from that point on… that everything that we need will be handed to us and life will be good. How I wish that was true! But it’s not. We have to work towards our calling, it’s not always easy, and it’s not always fun. And sometimes we don’t have all the giftings that we need to fulfill our callings, so we have to take the time to learn new skills or gain additional knowledge.  We have to surround ourselves with people who encourage us, tell us how awesome we are, but who also challenge us to continue to grow in all areas of our life (natural, emotional and spiritual).

Some of you reading this have no clue what I’m talking about. I hope that is because you are doing the things that you are called to do, the thing that allows you to thrive, grow, and give life to others and yourself.

Others know exactly what I’m talking about. You feel stuck or discouraged. Whether you are the one who doesn’t feel like you are good enough to do the thing you are called to do, or you’re the one stuck filling a position because you are ‘good’ at it… it’s time to take a step of faith. It’s time to realize that what you are ‘gifted’ at and what your ‘calling’ is might be two different things right now. Maybe it’s time to make some changes so that you can begin to become who you are called to be, living out your calling and using your many giftings. And maybe it’s time to gain or strengthen some gifts so that you can  fulfill your calling.

Time to Decide

Well, today is decision day. I’ve spent quite a bit of time praying about where to live until I head to Thailand. There wasn’t ever a ‘clear’ answer from the Lord. The options each had their pluses and minuses, there didn’t seem to be ‘win-win’. I waited to make a decision to see if the Lord wanted to do something crazy, cause I was kind of hoping for a mini miracle.

With no ‘word from God’, and no mini miracle… I’m going with the ‘logical’ decision and moving back in with my parents. This will minimize my bills, increase my chances of getting a job, and allow me to continue to raise support for Thailand. Plus I’ll get to spend the holidays with my family!! (This may seem like a minor thing to most, but it’s been several years since all of us girls have been together for a major holiday.)

The interesting part is that my mom and step-dad moved while I’ve been in the south… so I’ll be moving to Idaho! I’ve never been to their new home, and only visited the state twice. This will mean having to find a new community and church, as well as finding a job. However, I know that it will be worth it.

Sadly I’ll be leaving my friends here in Georgia. In order to give myself time to see everyone and attend a few more church services before I leave, I’m not planning on flying out until the beginning of September. So if you’re in the Atlanta area and want to hangout before I leave, let me know. And if you know of a great church or must see / do things near Boise, I’d love some suggestions.

More Than Photos




The original intention of this blog was to use it to show photos that I had taken. I still plan on using it for that purpose… however as I’m no longer using my old ‘work’ blog, I’ll also be using this one to post random thoughts, teachings and other things that come up. I’ve had a lot of time to think over the summer and haven’t had a place to download everything, so I hope you’re ready to have Golden Glances become my main blog (again).

yes this is one of the pictures i took this summer… no, i didn’t set it up. and nope, i didn’t edit it…  i just really like it!


Back in Bangkok

I got into Bangkok, Thailand late last night. The two flights that it took were pretty uneventful. The food tasted like bad airplane food, but we each had our own tv with ok movies to chose from. I’d never been to the Seoul airport and was blown away by its size.


My friend picked me up in Bangkok and we took a taxi to her place in the city. We spent the ride getting caught up, it’s been over five years since we’ve seen each other.


As we drove across the city there were familiar sites, sounds and smells. I’d forgotten how much the rest of the world seems to impact all of your senses all at once. Even at midnight there were still people selling fruit and other market items on the streets. ‘Women’ stood on the street corners wearing so little clothing you knew what they were waiting for. As I lay in bed the sounds of scooters, taxis, Thai music, stray dogs, people sweeping the streets and people talking filled the air all night.


I have part of the day to spend here with my friends in Bangkok. We’ll probably just hangout and continue to get caught up on life. Then it’s time to fly up to Chiang Mai tonight.


This month is going to fly by quickly. I’m hoping that the jetlag and culture shock will pass by quickly as they will only slow me down. Keep looking for updated blogs as I will have pictures and stories to tell in the coming weeks.

Fairytale Romances

I was chatting with a friend a while ago. She made a comment that kind of surprised me. She said that it’s rare to find a couple that is truly in ‘love’ with each other. That it seems like there are couples that are just settling with each other because they can tolerate living together forever rather than being totally, madly in love with each other where they can’t live with out the other.


Now I know that fairytales aren’t real. Yet there is something that we must be missing in our lives if we keep hoping for our own romance story like in the movies.

Two weeks ago I was visiting a friend. In the last four months she went from being healthy, to diagnosed with colon cancer, to being told she’s terminal and there’s no hope. My friend is only 26. She’s been married for 3 and a half years. I don’t think that when my friend and her husband said their wedding vows either of them were expecting to have to face ‘sickness’ so early in their marriage.

I watched as the whole weekend they preferred one another. They took delight in seeing the other smile. They took pride in showing off the other’s accomplishments. Her husband took delight in caring for her, even when it meant cleaning out her puke bucket. The thing that makes this couple stand out is that they love each other in the little things, they take pleasure in making the other happy, and they have no problem letting the whole world see their love for each other.


For many people when it comes to love it often appears that it is more about what ‘I’ can receive from the relationship. That isn’t the kind of love that lasts, it’s not the kind of love that is in the movies and fairytales.


True love prefers the other, desiring and making the other person better because of your love.



Sadly my friend passed away a few days ago. I’m at peace knowing that she’s now hanging out in heaven with Christ, and that she got to have her fairytale romance while she was here on earth.