Seeing life through Casey's eyes.


This is the spot where I tell you a little bit about me, Casey, the author of Golden Glances.

Fun facts about me: I’m the eldest of three girls – but part of the brady bunch on both sides, I don’t have a favorite color, photography calms my soul, so does the beach, I could eat Mexican food a few times a week, Taco Bell sauce makes everything taste better, I don’t have a college degree, a single flower is just as beautiful as a bouquet, I enjoy reading, but don’t really care for poetry, no matter how hard I try I still can’t cook for one, I didn’t start running or exercising until I was 25, I’m an introvert who’s learned to live in an extroverted world, there are things in the world that I hate but no matter how hard I try I can’t hate the people that do it, I love my God and have devoted my life to Christ.

I spent most of my years ‘growing up’ on the West Coast, in Southern California and Washington State. My family is spread out all across the USA, yet we don’t allow the distance to take away from how much we love each other.

McClure Family

I had the joy of growing up spiritually by working with YWAM in New Zealand for three years. New Zealand continues to have a very special place in my heart.

Ever since I figured out who God is and who He’s created me to be it’s been one huge adventure! YWAM was just the start of my traveling and crazy stories. I’ve visited an orphanage in Rwanda with the African Children’s Choir, helped start a church plant in Washington State, went on the first World Race (11 countries in 11 months), lived in Swaziland Africa, and helped hundreds of missionaries travel around the world by arranging their flights and other logistics.


Now it’s time for me to begin another great adventure. And it wouldn’t be an adventure if I sat still… so, I moved to Thailand. My new ‘home’ is Mae Sot, on the border with Burma. I have some ideas of what life and ‘ministry’ might look like, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see if those things happen and what changes happen along the way.

Join me as I aim at living a life that draws others and myself closer to God and to who He has created us to be.

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