Seeing life through Casey's eyes.

Posts tagged “family

On Hold

You know that annoying feeling when you’re trying to make an important phone call and you get put on hold? Sometimes there is that annoying music that they play, if you’re lucky there will be a recorded voice that comes on every once in a while to tell you what number you are ‘in line’. The worst though is when there is no music at all, you’re just on hold. You have no clue how long you’ll be on hold or even if you’re still on hold and the other line hung up?

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That’s kind of how I feel right now. On Hold. Only there’s no music or recorded voice telling me how much longer I have to wait.

green blue water barrel

We’re still waiting to get answers on my family’s health issues, but so thankful for doctors who are really trying to help and are fighting for them. And extremely grateful for the ‘good days’ that they have.

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My return flight back to Thailand is in a week, but right now it doesn’t look like I’ll be on it. Even if my family was in perfect health by the day I’m supposed to fly I still wouldn’t be able to head back to Thailand… I don’t have the finances to go. I had enough money in my support account to get me through until my visa ended and I would need to head back to States to get it renewed… but I came back early, having to spend more on my ticket than I had originally budgeted and wiping out most of what was left in my support account in the process. Then once in the States there are lots of additional expenses, renewals that need to be made and things to ‘stock up’ on.

One of the things that is important to me before traveling anywhere is to make sure that I have enough finances to cover a return ticket and several months budget saved (just in case). Yes, it’s a safety net. Yes, I do rely on God and the support of others. But I also desire to be responsible with the funds and even the lack of funds that I have.

blue water barrel

So right now the plan is to stay in the States. I’ll be working part time at my parent’s store and continuing to help out at home while my family tries to focus on their health (and the store). If you are in the Boise area and either want to connect or know of a church or group that would be interested in hearing about Burma, Thailand or missions in general let me know, I’d love to connect with more people here! Or if you just want to chat while I’m in the States, holler. Plus you can continue to help me out by sending up your prayer, sending me your words of encouragement and by giving financially.

And of course  I’ll wait in expectation of God continuing to show up in big ways… in health, finances, and all areas of life.

wait teal art

God, Family, Ministry

If you’ve ever served in a church or religious organization I’m sure you’ve heard: God first, family second, and then ministry (work).

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It’s a wonderful saying and something that is sometimes hard to remember. Putting ministry (or work) first and letting everything else fall behind it happens more often than any of us would like to realize. Sometimes it’s confusing to know when your family needs more attention than the ministry as your heart and focus are pulled in so many different directions. I mean we are supposed to be doing ‘all things as unto the Lord’, right? So lines feel a little blurry sometimes.

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For a while now some of my family members have been battling with different health issues. There have been a couple of times where the question of if I needed to go home came up, but I never had a peace about heading back to the States for my visit before my visa expires the end of the year. All that changed. I can’t say it was a specific thing that happened or something that was said, because I don’t really know. What I do know is that I need to be home with my family right now. When I finally made the decision and talked with my family and my team here there was an absolute peace that flooded through me. I know that I can’t change their physical health, but by being home for a bit it will help give my family a slight sigh of relief knowing that I am there to support them no matter what the future holds.

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As I make the journey across the ocean in a few days will you please pray for me? Pray for safe travels filled with God’s favor, peace and rest. Pray for my family – their emotional, physical and spiritual health, for wisdom and discernment as we wait for answers in how to get them healthy again. Pray for my team & the ministries I’m a part of in Thailand and Burma – they are going to be on a skeleton crew for a bit as people will be in and out of the country, pray for peace, unity, and divine favor, revelation, rest, and blessings upon my whole team, the ministries we help with and the businesses we’ve started to help fund the work here.